
To open an account on campus for your student organization, please email (电子邮件保护).


To check out the corporate card, fill out the following form: Corporate Card Checkout Request. request the corporate card at least 2 business days before you would like to check it out. Keep in mind that when checking out the corporate card, you will need to leave a valid up to date ID in place of the corporate card. For assistance and questions, please email (电子邮件保护).


  • Available to Registered 学生组织 (RSO) or Fraternities/Sororities in good standing with the CMEI that will host an event on the Auraria Campus. Funds will not be approved for events off campus.
  • All registered Student Orgs will be eligible to receive up to $2,000 over the course of the registration year (July 1 to June 30).
  • Student organizations may have more than one event as long as their total expenses during the year are under their funding maximum. 例如, a student organization may have one event with expenses of $1,000, this same student organization may have another event during the year as long as their expenses are $1,000或以下. Any left-over funding will NOT be rolled over or added to the student organization’s account.
  • An application, event budget, and a presentation are required to receive funding. Application and budget template can be found on RoadrunnerLink in "Forms".


招聘 & 促销资金

  • Available to assist Registered 学生组织 (RSO) or Fraternities/Sororities at 密歇根州立大学丹佛 in promoting your organization and recruiting new members. Items must have either the organization name or logo on them.
  • All registered Student Orgs will be eligible to receive up to $500 over the course of the registration year (July 1 to June 30).
  • Student organizations may have more than one request as long as their total expenses during the year are under their funding potential 
  • An application with supporting materials must be submitted for funds to be awarded. Application and budget template can be found on RoadrunnerLink in "Forms".

俱乐部成员 & 领导基金

  • Available to Registered 学生组织 (RSO) or Fraternities/Sororities in good standing with CMEI. These funds must be used to support leadership growth and development among members and officers of student organizations. Preference will be given to activities, 项目, and training that is open to members of more than one student organization (multiple sponsoring organizations).
  • All registered Student Orgs will be eligible to receive up to $800 over the course of the registration year (July 1 to June 30).
  • Student organizations may have more than one request as long as their total expenses during the year are under their funding potential.
  • An application with supporting materials must be submitted for funds to be awarded. Application and budget template can be found on RoadrunnerLink in "Forms".


  • Available to Registered 学生组织 (RSO) or Fraternities/Sororities in good standing with CMEI. These funds must be used to support events and 项目 that build community among members.
  • All registered Student Orgs will be eligible to receive up to $500 over the course of the registration year (July 1 to June 30).
  • Student organizations may have more than one request as long as their total expenses during the year are under their funding potential.
  • An application with supporting materials must be submitted for funds to be awarded. Application and budget template can be found on RoadrunnerLink in "Forms".